Henderson Harbor to Robert Wehle State Park
Robert Wehle State Park as viewed from Lake Ontario.
Robert Wehle State Park is a very small state park situated on Lake Ontario. Despite its small size, it offers some shale-like cliffs overlooking the lake. While Kai-Ling, the girls, and I have hiked it a few times before, I never kayaked out to it (which I knew would be a good paddle with amazing vistas).
I put in at the Henderson Harbor public boat launch. From there, it is about a 2-3 mile paddle just to get out to the lake; although I found I could have shaved a solid mile off that by cutting through an small channel that I didn't notice until my way back.
Conditions that day were windy. Not that this was an issue. The harbor is fairly protected and even not he lake it only developed at most three foot swells with little to no white capping. My QCC handled the waves like a champ and I didn't once feel out of my league in the boat or the waves.
Once on the lake, it was about three to four mile paddle into the waves to the park. With the wind and waves from the south west, the conditions only got a little dicey once I reached the park. This was due to the waves bouncing off the cliffs and confusing the incoming swells. Again, despite the chop from multiple directions, the boat handled it great.
After scooting around the cliffs for a bit, I decided to head back. This proved to be a great opportunity to do some light surfing in the following seas. While surfing isn't the QCC's strong suit. It did pretty well in the light conditions.
After making it back into the harbor by way of the my newly discovered shortcut, I turned around and discovered another amazing vista which made for a great pano (see below).
Panoramic view of Henderson Harbor.