I am a Soldier first, adventurest second, and I photograph everything along the way. From kayaking to telemark skiing, mountaineering to cycling, backcountry camping to scuba diving. I love it all.
My primary passion revolves around kayaking. I am an American Canoe Association Level II Coastal Kayak Instructor and a BCU 3-Star awardee with aspirations of going on month long expeditions around Greenland, Novia Scotia, Ireland, etc. (so many great places to paddle and beggars can’t be choosers)
Playing in the surf on Lake Ontario
On top of Algonquin Peak in the Adirondaks
Explore your passion.
I believe that in order to be truly happy, you need to do the things you love. I love being outdoors and exploring new places, seeing new things, and going where people usually won’t go. The only real barriers to doing what you want are the ones in your mind.